Constancy of Purpose
Today most of the people spend their time, money and energy in many things without having purpose. when we start anything, constancy of purpose should be clear and individual has to understand the meaning of purpose before they buy something, waste the time and do unnecessary things.
Most of them started liking people and loving things, instead of loving people and liking things. More attachment towards the materialistic life and not knowing the value of peaceful life.
We don't need to leave everything and start living like yogi, we have to do, spend and utilise our time, money and energy in meaningful way of living.
Without purpose, there will be no proper direction, roadmap and way to achieve things which accepted by across the world. Rather than looking short term benefits, we have to look for long term benefits. When purpose is clearly defined and understood, the visionary thinking will help to come out from routine and help to do things in a different way.
Constancy of Purpose is the corner stone of pyramid for anything we need to build.
Good thought