Respect the People

To leverage people knowledge, we need to respect their thoughts and views. Most of the time, we look who is telling and we miss that what is he/she telling. we accept or ignore based on their sex, age, experience and status. we have perception about everything, when others differ from that we need to listen their perspective also.

When we listen others' views, align with their thoughts, we can see social relationship which can do more than what professional relationship can do it. To build this social environment respect the people ideas, opinions, inputs, suggestions and feedbacks. We don't  need to accept everything or reject everything, we have to analyse and carefully reject which are not required and discuss in healthy way why those are not required.

Many times people don't discuss in healthy way, so that they don't get any inputs, suggestions, ideas, feedbacks, etc.. next time onwards. when people have comfort to share their thoughts and views, there will be healthy growth happen as a team / group.

Most of the times when people share their experiences, if others don't listen or understand what learnings they got from that experience, they will stop sharing those experiences. we have to listen first, before share our perspectives.

We always look others capacity rather than capability. Capacity can demonstrate what he/she can do, but Capability can demonstrate how he/she can do. when we understood this clearly, we can openly accept others thoughts and views.

We have to look intellect power from each individual, because everyone is unique and each one has different level of competence. When people ideas, suggestions, inputs, thoughts accepted and recognized, they will be energized to give / share more and more and they do things with full involvement.

By respect people, we can listen....learn....lead our life successfully.



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