Change Management for Individuals

Changes are inevitable.  Now-a-days people are no longer having a choice, they must change to survive. But many people resist change, because they have to learn new things and they have many reasons too.
People have to look change as an opportunity to strengthen the life and to advance in their career. But they look it as disruptive and intrusive.
Reasons like fear of failure, creature of habit, No obvious need, and loss of control, closed mind, unwillingness to learn, fear of unknown and fear of personal impact are resisting people to change.
Change is not same as transition, change is situational.
Many people expect changes in which are happening in and around them, the moment we involve them to make those changes, they will take the back step and don’t want to contribute to those changes. Most of the time witnessed that People like changes, but they don’t like being changed.
Whenever change occurs, first need to understand the purpose of change, then process of the change, it is simply moving from the current way of doing things to a new and different way of doing things.
Every individual should know their strengths and weakness of their own, and then they should aware about opportunities and threats which are in front of them. This self SWOT analysis helps to face the challenges and accept them without any fear.
Many of us trying to develop the weakness to strength and some point of time they are getting demotivated, it should be continuous improvement and not one time activity. They need to spend more time to strengthen their strengths more and more, which will help them to handle changes in responsive way rather than reactive way.
Same time they have to work on the barriers which are not allowing them to change. As shown in the above picture, every individual make their barriers as wings, they can fly as much as high, the way birds are flying here.
Change takes time, it is a process. Continual improvement and changes, transform the individuals to have successful career and life.

“Break the Barriers and Transform them as Your Wings”

Authored By Visukumar Gopal


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