What is maya?

Narad asked Krishna, "What is maya?"

Krishna took him through a desert for a long walk. He asked for water as he was very thirsty. Narad went in search of water. He found some houses and knocked at one of the doors. It was opened by a beautiful girl; Narad fell in love. He kept visiting her everyday till he decided to marry her. They had children. His father-in-law died, who left all his property to him. Now Narad was a richman! 12 years had gone by and they were the most be...
autiful times with all that he wanted.

One day their village got washed away due to flood. Narad, took hold of his children and wife and looked for shelter. But the current in the water took away his children and then, even his wife got washed away. He was thrown at one of the banks. as he woke up, he heard a voice asking, "I have been waiting for water for last half an hour!'

Narad was shocked to see that 12 whole years passed by his mind and all these scenes has happened in just half an hour. This is maya!!


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