The Mind

"Mind is the most stiff organ of the body"
A true yogi realize this stiff nature of mind and start working upon it. Working upon body is the first step towards spirituality. if you work sincerely upon body you can achieve require state of the body within certain months.but working upon mind requires years. just don't satisfy only with body.
'yoga is union of body mind and soul '. Our body can not connect with soul untill we work upon mind. There are the people who just work upon the body. and don't realize the great power of mind. In those people they have lot more power to do but they don't have direction. Force without direction creates more chaos. Only body oriented yoga creates stupid yogi.

There are people who neglect the body and just waste their time in unnecessary intellectual discussion and philosophy. Their work becomes only information but it never converts into wisdom.They don't realize the value of body. They sometimes have direction but not the power to walk upon direction. only working upon mind creates a weak yogi.

A real yoga start when your realize the power of body and mind and tune them into great harmony so they can connect with your soul.
- Acharya Yogesh -


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