I Know, I Know

How often do we hear ourselves saying this.

The truth is that if we keep on ending up in the same situation. Relationships, work, money, time, health etc etc... Then there is something hidden in plain sight that we are not yet seeing.

So we don't actually know. Hard truth right. We think we know. However, Einstein or some smart human said that "the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result". Yet most of us try something new and end up back where we started....

why? perhaps it is because "we are trying to solve the problem with the same level of thinking that created the problem in the first place". So the problems that keep showing up... Not because the pathways didn't' work, but its because our thinking and consciousness keeps us where we are.

- Still lacking money and resources
- Still lacking self-love or self-worth
- Still in the same work position
- Still have a business that is struggling
- Still struggling with our mental health
- Still struggling with relationships
- Still struggling to find purpose.

It has become clear that feedback is the key to clarity. Surround yourself with people and networks that can ask you high-level questions and refine the current charcoal into that diamond that has been there all along.

- Find mentors who have solved the problem you are looking to solve
- Ask for advice, support and help
- Stop, say less and listen. See what you hear.
- Ask people that your trust, what they think? They are often our best mirrors.


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